One year in Sound – A young sound designer at Vancouver Film School

We receive a lot of messages asking us which is the best school for learning Sound design. This is the one million dollar question now. We have not the answer, or maybe we don’t want to answer. We decided to make something different, but more useful: to create a new section of the blog dedicated to the stories of one of the most important schools from the inside: One year in Sound – A young sound designer at Vancouver Film School.

At the end of October 2012 our new friend in Sound Carlo Ascrizzi (you can see a part of him in the video teaser…) was admitted at the Sound Design for Visual Media program at VFS in Canada. He moved from Italy to live this new experience and then tell on these pages his own experience while studying and living in one of the most well-known schools for young artists in the world.

Do you want to know how to apply? Information on admissions? The life in the campus? Who knows what can happen in the next weeks… Carlo will be the storyteller of this amazing trip full of sounds and pictures.

Follow us in this new adventure starting the next week, I hope you will enjoy it!!

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Gianpaolo D'Amico


  1. Ciao Carlo, un grande in bocca al lupo. So quanto è stata dura arrivare fino li, ho visto giorno dopo giorno il tuo impegno, la tua dedizione nello studio, la tua umiltà nelle applicazioni e il tuo talento. Sono sicuro che diventerai un grande professionista. Forza e coraggio!!!!!!


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