Audio software developer at University of Torino

Audio software developer at University of Torino

What is

Open Position at University of Torino, 1 year grant (Assegno di ricerca) for the development of the software component that integrates the audio synthesis engine (in SuperCollider) and the semantic analysis engine (in Java) into a single application (written e.g. in Java or C++, but not necessarily) with a graphical user interface.

Software development for the SoDA project in the context of the Digital Creativity Framework (Polo della Creatività Digitale e Multimedialità), Regione Piemonte, Italy.

The SoDA project proposes the design and implementation of a sound synthesis engine in real-time for sound design, interfaced through semantic analysis with sound libraries. SoDa is proposed as a tool for rapid prototyping, making the entire audio workflow more agile, connecting pre- to post-production.

Who wants you

University of Torino, Torino, Italy.

Where to apply

Ateneo di Torino, ID: 883. In order to participate you have to log in here. CLOSED


Project leader and responsible: Andrea Valle

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Gianpaolo D'Amico