Sonoport Singapore is running a competition for the sonification of its animated visual logo. Using the Sound Animator, you have to create a new sonic identity that represents sound & creativity + cutting edge technology & coding. An international jury of sound experts will choose the winner.
US$ 1,500
4th of September 2015 (CLOSED)
Creative Brief
The visual logo has 3 components: the sound wave, the shell, and the treble clef. Sonoport is creating the world’s largest sound archive, which includes sound effects, field recordings, music loops, acoustic and synth sounds. Therefore, you can use any of these sound contents to build your sound logo.
The rhythm of the visual animation combines smooth transitions with a fast pace. This is the balance between Sonoport’s two main values: sound & creativity + cutting edge technology & coding. The sound logo must include these two components.
Using the Sound Animator’s special features you can create an interactive sound logo. If you wish, you can boost your sounds with interactivity!
Submissions are open from the 13th of August to the 4th of September 2015. The competition award is a cash prize of US$ 1,500.
The winner will be announced on the 16th of September on Sonoport and sounDesign websites and chosen by an international panel of judges.
The winner will be contacted for all the admin procedures after announcement.

Composer and sound designer, founder of the sound branding agency Zanna Sound (Brasil).
Sound designer and sound editor, composer of additional music for The Hobbit, music editor of District 9, collaborator of Brian Eno for The Lovely Bones (New Zealand).
Author, entrepreneur, and CEO at Sonoport (England).
Composer, sound artist and sound designer, founder of Sonic Terrain and Designing Sound (Colombia).
Creative technologist, sound activist, founder of sounDesign (Italy).
Tech details
- The logo animation (mpeg) is available for downloading here. Please do so to use it for production in your favourite DAW!
- Submissions must be done through the Sound Animator app webpage. Please log in here;
- The Sound Animator app enables sounds and animations to be quickly and easily combined and shared online. Once registered, add your sound logo to the default Sonoport logo animation. Access the Sound FX panel to play with interactivity. The Trigger function corresponds to tap and play and has pitch shift associated parameters;
- Recommended Web Browsers: Chrome or Safari;
- Ad Blockers disabled;
- Audio Format: Wave file 24 bit 48,000 Hz;
- Technical updates (2nd September 2015);
- For technical issues and bugs contact:Â
- These two women will save the future of Sound Art with a web radio called Radio Papesse - June 20, 2016
- #SayItWithSound Contest: Sonify your World and Win - December 21, 2015
- Sound Technician at University of Greenwich - December 1, 2015
Contests such as this one devalue creative work. Would you ask 100 bakers to bake you a pie and then only pay the one you like most?
Hi George,
maybe a little bit of context will help you to better judge what we are trying to do at Sonoport. As you might have read, we are developing a Web Audio platform. It’s currently in Beta phase, we would like to have it tested, tried out, by someone who is not ourselves, and therefore we are organising a series of initiatives (“competitions”) from now till the end of the year. The sound logo competition that is currently open is just one of these. They have different themes, they speak to different people, we will test different features. So basically we are not looking for low paid creative work but we are looking for help to test our platform. The platform itself is not a single product, it is an infrastructure. Which is to say, we are not testing an app that we will sell. Anyway, to make it short: we chose the sound logo competition because we want to start an open conversation with the sound design community. Btw, we belong to the same community, we share the same experiences with demanding clients that do not want to pay an adequate prize. Here we are trying to do something else and the cash reward is just what we believe it’s fair for the usage we will do of the chosen logo. And yes, we also do not have a sound logo so we thought it was nice to have one done by someone we do not – yet – know. We could have designed the sound logo ourselves, as we are sound designers, and quite experienced, with a portfolio of more than 15 years of work in the industry. So, sorry if you got the impression that low-paid creativity it’s what we are aiming at. Engaging the community, reaching out to have real feedback on what we are developing, that’s the story.
Your points don’t make any sense Sara. George is right, it’s nothing more then a way to get as many soundlogos
as possible for the least amount of money. Let me guess, all contenders have to write of all rights to you?
You see these kind of “contests” more an more unfortunately.
The Sonoport Sound Animator webpage is not opening on Safari or Chrome. (Safari is my default and I’m completely up to date with my system.)
Is it down for maintenance or is there an unreported issue?
Hi Andy, everything works so I am inviting to contact you monica.hahm[at] for bugs and general enquires. Best
Hi Giel, I guess you don’t understand the point and you want to keep on that way. Sara gave a detailed answer, but you make things simpler and don’t explain your point of view. Maybe you did not read what is Sonoport, what is the Sound Animator and maybe you did not read this website at all.
You are stopping yourself to 2 terms: competition and company. That’s your equation gives always the same result: exploitation. Very limited sight.
Many sound professionals are creating logos in these days with the Sound Animator just to play with it, show their works and then, maybe, win a prize. Do you think Sonoport will use all these logos for themselves? Time will give you an answer. But I am really really really surprised to see there are people who look only a small part of the context. We are working to create a community, not to sell products or use others’ work. I hope you will change your mind.
Hi Giel, I am sorry to see that you make judgements without having taken the time to read the competition T&C. If you did, you would know that we state clearly that we have the right to license only the winner’s entry.
I would like to partecipate at the sound logo contest but Sound animator doesn’t work with my computer. I use Safari as web browser.
Are there any other way to upload the audio file?
Hi Enrico, please check if you adblocker turned on. If so, you have to turn it off. For other problems please contact monica.hahm[at]
Hello, I thought that the point of the competition was use the sound fx after upload our sounds, as I did, to make something different. But now I see that “your winner” did not use it, so now I don’t understand what’s the point with this Sound Animator, the Sound Fx tool, and Sonoport… it has no sense..
Hi Feli, I report a piec of the guidelines: “Using the Sound Animator’s special features you can create an interactive sound logo. If you wish, you can boost your sounds with interactivity!”. If you wish…
Sound Animator features are: uploading, collecting sounds + extra features for interactivity that you can use if you want. What is no sense?